How are you different from other healers?

/How are you different from other healers?

How are you different from other healers?

I differ from other healers in that my gifts and abilities have scientific validation. My gift to transmit Life Force Energy is scientifically documented and validated, resulting in publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. To learn more, visit my Science Page.

By |2018-09-10T00:06:29+00:00September 10th, 2018|0 Comments

About the Author:

Biofield technology Is at the forefront of helping agriculture to produce food for the planet. What if you could have better yield on produce up to 500%, better root systems, season after season, livestock which could consume less food but have a higher % yield up to 20%, less death rate on raising organic beef, grading out higher and up to 100% grading out? This is not an impossible feat, it has been done.

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